Bootcamp for All: Why Even Beginner Users Need to Attend

If you’re a new user of RQ or you’re looking to perfect the basics, Bootcamp has exactly what you need to confidently complete the fundamental tasks in RQ without a hitch.
With expert-led sessions with specialists in the room and by your side, you’ll be able to overcome any customer problem and provide unparalleled customer service. Whether you’re on the back-end, working your magic from behind the curtain, or you’re a front-and-center associate making things in-store run smoothly, your hard work makes for a memorable experience for shoppers — the kind that makes them come back for more.
Will Kropp is a Client Manager with the iQmetrix team and he’s dishing all the details on why even the newest employees will benefit from Bootcamp.
Want in? There’s still time to register for Bootcamp, May 5-7 in Chicago, IL! Our experts are just itching to hear your painpoints and help you find the actionable solutions that will make a big impact on your bottom line.