Employee’s Perspective: How to Prepare for the “Road Out of COVID-19”

Being a job seeker during COVID-19 is difficult — the climate has changed and the stakes feel high.
We know things feel far from normal. The good news is that not all companies have implemented a hiring freeze. As many parts of the world begin adjusting to a second phase of the pandemic, what does the road out of it look like, and what are the opportunities available to job seekers?
Read on to learn tips on how to adjust strategies and stay motivated despite these unprecedented conditions.
Adapting to a new normal
The pandemic hit certain industries very hard, but there are many other industries that are rapidly growing during this time. In most cases, many essential service industries have added more jobs to supply the demand. In fact, we have a number of job opportunities available on our recruitment platform.
If you find yourself applying for a new job right now, be aware that approaching potential new employers or recruiters takes even more preparedness than before.
As a recruiter at iQmetrix, my team has adapted to the new normal in a myriad of ways. For instance, we are now conducting virtual interviews and helping ensure a seamless onboarding for remote new hires.
This time has also allowed us to revamp our old recruitment processes and implement new ones. As well, tasks that were once on the “nice to do” list, are getting checked off, creating even better experiences for our candidates.
If you find yourself applying for a new job right now, be aware that approaching potential new employers or recruiters takes even more preparedness than before.
Tips for job seekers
The best piece of advice I can offer you as a recruiter right now is that you, “the job seeker,” have control over positive thinking. Now is the time to remain proactive to ensure you can come out ahead of this.
This time can be an opportunity to check in with yourself, unearth your skills gaps, understand what professional development looks like for you, and most importantly of all, learn how to leverage yourself on LinkedIn.
1. Look at your skills
Job-searching is a skill in and of itself. If you find yourself feeling a bit stuck, a good starting point is looking at any skill gaps. Think about where you were in your last role and what skills you used and acquired. Ask yourself where you want to go in your next role and what skills will be needed to get there.
There are many free online classes and webinars to aid with your development. Here is a great article on skill gaps if you want more insight on critical soft and hard skills that organizations are hiring and training for in 2020.
Our team also just finished putting together a range of free courses, such as Feedback Methods, Communication, and Conflict Resolution. If you’re interested in learning more about these topics (spoiler alert, it also gives you some insight into what makes us iQ), there is even a course on that. Sign up for free iQu courses here!
2. Optimize your LinkedIn profile
If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, now is the time to sign up and get involved with the largest job networking platform; if you do, use this time to strengthen your profile. LinkedIn currently has over 610 million members and 303 million active monthly users, 40% of which visit the site daily.
Ensure you update your employment history, professional associations, volunteer work, and your recently acquired skills. You never know who may be looking for your skill set!
3. Let recruiters know you’re looking
If you are already on LinkedIn, be sure to update the section of your profile that lists the companies you are interested in. You’ll get notified when that company posts new job opportunities. Plus, recruiters are more inclined to reach out to people who follow their company, as it shows you have a genuine interest in what they do.
If you are open to new opportunities, you can go into your settings and turn on the “looking for new opportunities” function. This signals to recruiters that you are open to new opportunities or are open to having conversations regarding your skill set.
4. Reach out to your network
Moving on to LinkedIn Skills/Endorsement, don’t be afraid to reach out to previous colleagues or managers for an endorsement, as they are likely to now have extra time to do this for you. Not only is this good for your profile, it can be a great opportunity to re-engage with people from your career journey so far. Moreover, it is a good time to learn more about how others see your strengths.
Advice to job seekers
Stay positive and try to view things from a glass half-full perspective. Things won’t always be like this. In the meantime, take this time as an opportunity to refresh your knowledge and learn new skills, and when the situation improves, you will be in a better position to find your next great opportunity, so believe and trust in yourself that it will happen! In time, this too shall pass.
If you are interested in career opportunities at iQmetrix, take a look at our job openings below!