Here’s an Insight into the 2024 SummitX Theme and Agenda

Looking to be inspired to register for the 2024 SummitX before the early-bird deadline? Look no further. 

We know you’re as excited as we are about SummitX in Scottsdale, Arizona from October 27-29, at an incredible desert resort destination. And remember, the end of July will bring about the deadline for early-bird pricing on SummitX registrations. So, now is the time to get your team booked in! 

If you’ve been holding off because you want to know a bit more about the content of this awesome event, that’s all good — we’ve got you. Read on to learn more about the 2024 theme, agenda tracks, schedule, and some early sneak-peek highlights. 

2024 Theme: Innovation | Insights | Inspiration | Interconnection 

Whether it’s discovering new solutions to up-level your business, learning trends and tricks from business trailblazers and industry experts, sparking ideas with colleagues and peers, or simply making likeminded friends – SummitX has all the angles covered.

Here’s how all this shakes down. 

Agenda Tracks 

Our four theme words made up the four tracks that will guide your journey through SummitX 2024. All our sessions and events, from arrival to departure, will fall under at least one of these elements! 

Innovation: Discover new technology solutions to take your business to new heights. Learn about industry-leading software, new products, and upcoming enhancements from iQmetrix and our integrated partners, and even add your input on some of our in-development ideas. 


  • User Insights: Learn tips and tricks from product experts and power users of our software, which you can take home and use to improve your operations. 
  • Industry Insights: Dissect telecom retail trends with sector trailblazers and industry experts, learning how these will affect your business and what you can do to get ahead. 

Inspiration: These will be the sessions that spark ideas, from keynote speakers motivating you with new business strategies, to how today’s technology can solve your biggest pain points. Get inspired by experts in the sessions that are most relevant to your business, discover things you didn’t know you needed, and unleash your imagination for the future. 

Interconnection: Our unmissable networking activities, Vendor Showcase, Product Showcase, and awesome social events will ensure you make connections from every area of the telecom retail industry to help drive your business forward. Find new avenues of collaboration and create both professional and personal relationships that will last for years to come. 

Agenda Schedule 

We’re currently working with industry experts, keynote speakers, and in-house professionals on where all our sessions will fit into each day. We’ll update you with a full agenda in August. 

For now, here’s how the three days on site will break down. 

*Subject to change as our detailed agenda is finalized…

Agenda Highlights 

Some of the session highlights, including keynotes and breakouts, will include: 

Fan favorites from previous iQmetrix events: 

  • The iQmetrix Telecom Industry Address: Your unmissable keynote on the state of the telecom retail section and high-level reveals of new iQmetrix products and innovations. 
  • You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: A spin-off from our popular session from past events, YDKWYDK reveals exactly what you didn’t already know about iQmetrix’s software solutions! This session includes power users’ favorite modules, tips and tricks, and frequently used features to help optimize your team and business. 

New and exciting content for 2024

  • The Hackathon: For the first time, iQmetrix will be bringing its new-solution ideation Hackathon to the SummitX audience! This is your chance to share input on these gig teams’ brand-new product and feature prototypes and proposals. More details to come! 
  • AI: Because of course we’ll have sessions on the hot topic of Artificial Intelligence. Is it truly the biggest revolution we’ve seen since the internet? And what does it mean for your business? 
  • Plus, many more unmissable sessions! 

Added to all of that, we’ll have our incredible Vendor Showcase, highlighting our extensive partner solution ecosystem, along with our Product Showcase, where you can learn more about iQmetrix solutions and innovations. Of course, these will also provide awesome networking opportunities and spark inspiration. We’ll also have a ton of fun at our Sunday Night Welcome Reception and fabulous Monday Night Party in an unforgettable location. 

The current SummitX early-bird price offers $100 off the usual cost of registration, plus buy three tickets and get the fourth free! But this double offer ends on July 31

So, now you know what’s in store for you at SummitX, what are you waiting for?