Humans of iQmetrix: Mat Stoner, Services Solutioning

In the second of our Humans of iQmetrix mini-profiles, we chat with Mat Stoner, who is UAT Co-ordinator in the Services Solutioning team.
Mat is a remote worker who lives in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, and he has been with iQmetrix since 2017. His team lead Will Kropp describes him as “friendly, adaptable, dependable, and inquisitive.”
Let’s find out what else makes Mat who he is.
iQmetrix: Tell us a bit about your role at iQmetrix.
Mat: I was hired in November 2017 as UAT (User Acceptance Testing) tester working directly in the office of one of our major clients. I was in that office every day, doing all the user interface testing. It was a fascinating experience because I was working for iQmetrix — which was the one company I really wanted to work for, because of its amazing culture — but physically I was working in a different company’s office. There were some challenges with that, but I knew iQmetrix was where I wanted to be, and I was fully supported by my team lead Will and the company, every day.
I stayed working in that office until Covid hit in March 2020. At that point I was given the opportunity to be UAT Co-ordinator, to lead a small team, and I became fully remote and started working on some other client accounts. This work became the best professional experience of my life. I was given the chance to expand my role, and do stuff a UAT co-ordinator wouldn’t normally be able to do. That’s because of the trust that we’re shown here at iQmetrix.
What’s the story that got you to iQmetrix?
I’ve been in this line of work for over 20 years, now. Before iQmetrix, I’d worked at a couple of banks doing QA (Quality Assurance) testing, first at US Bank in Portland, Oregon, and then I wanted to get away from the rain, so I moved to Orlando, Florida, and worked at SunTrust, and then moved to their head office in Atlanta. I wanted to make a change, and I went to Cox Automotive for 10 years. They were looking to do a big round of layoffs in 2017, and I was happy to accept their early retirement package, take some time off, and look for a new opportunity.
I was interviewing at a few places, while also on my bucket-list dream cruise! The company I was most interested in working for, which was iQmetrix, called me right when I was on the cruise to arrange a cultural interview. I got back that weekend, and on the Monday I had to drive to North Carolina to iQmetrix’s Davidson office, do the interview, and drive back home.
That cultural interview was the best thing I’d ever experienced in my professional life. It was so much fun. I got to know several great people, and I just knew that this was where I wanted to work. iQmetrix just seemed to have the right work-life balance, where you can have fun at work, still be productive, and also take the time you need.
It’s been amazing working here — I’ve loved all the teams I’ve worked with. I can honestly say I’ve never worked with such wonderful people!
What’s something interesting that we might not know about you?
Most people find it interesting that in my home life, we speak in sign language. My partner is deaf; we’ve been together for 20 years, and married for 10. It’s been the most fantastic experience to learn not only a new language but also a new culture. I’ve had to learn about so many things that as hearing people we take for granted. We also have our own home signs — which are signs that we’ve made up with each other — and when we’re with deaf friends, even they won’t understand what we’re saying, and I’ll have to spell it out in ASL.
My friends and colleagues find it amazing that when I’m at home, there’s no speaking at all, except when I’m working and on a call.
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