Creative Cultures: iQmetrix lives up to its give-back values

Date: Sept. 30, 2015
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Below is an excerpt of the full article, found here.
A key value at iQmetrix is giving back. Programs like BYOB (Buy Your Own Birthday) encourage employees to donate to a charity and in return they get the day off. Company offsites can be anything from a surprise waterfall afternoon — complete with beers hidden at the summit — to an all hands working holiday in Nicaragua where this year iQmetrix’s employees helped bring running water to 200 homes that had never even had a tap.
… it’s no surprise at all that iQmetrix ranks #31 among the 50 Best Small and Medium Employers in Canada, and were recently named one of Business In Vancouver’s Fastest Growing Companies. You can see the iQmetrix culture at work on their blog, What’s New in the Q.