Lake Davidson cleanup day for iQmetrix
Date: April 20, 2012
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Ten employees from iQmetrix in Davidson spent Friday morning cleaning up Roosevelt Wilson Park and the shores of Lake Davidson. The corporate community service project for Earth Week was organized by Davidson Lands Conservancy.
iQmetrix is a Canadian technology company with its U.S. headquarters on South Main Street in Davidson. The company’s Nick Palazzo said Friday the employees were looking for a project for Earth Week, in part to give back to the community and because “environment” is one of the company’s values.
At day’s end, the group had cleaned up about 278 pounds of trash – more than 25 pounds per person, according to Randy Mintken, who helped organize the event for the Davidson Lands Conservancy. The detritus include bottles, foam, cups, 3 tires, 2 rims, plastic pipe, metal cans, worm containers, cigarette butts and packages, and other car parts.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and Mr. Mintken provided supplies such as rakes, trash bags, pickers, waders, and heavy gloves.
(iQmetrix has a slogan – SLICCE – for Speed and Agility, Lifestyle, Innovation, Character, Community and Environment.)